
This article provides a sample PowerPoint presentation for an English class speech. The presentation covers tips for giving a successful speech, including the importance of preparation, body language, and effective communication skills. Use this presentation to help students become better public speakers and deliver confident, engaging speeches.



there is a beautiful school in the shanghai west suburbs----qingpu senior high middle school. she covers an area of simple more than 150 mu. and it is one of the lodge senior middle schools in shanghai. that is my school, my family.

judging by her system, it is not hard for us to know, every student who studies in the school should live at school. really so, i live at school all the day.

our school is a modern senior middle school .in each classroom there is a computer which controls a projector. it is the paperless teaching that the teacher attends class. students dive into it completely.

the environment in the school is also the most. there is a river in the school side. and water in river is limpid, in which there is several small fish and some shrimps etc.

the gym installations of our school are complete. she not only has a tartan track, a basketball court and a football field, but also has a tennis field ,a shuttlecock field ,a table tennis house and gymnasium etc . everything needed is there.



everytime i am asked what i want to do in the future. i think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job.

doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. i think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. it is a feeling of pride and i am fond of it. in modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. it is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. i dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility.

being a doctor is my dream job, now i should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal.





as we all know, we will celebrate our 60th year of independence. years is a short history for any country, however, many peoplesquo;s dreams have come true. as a middle school student , isquo;m very glad that i have the chance to celebrate the 60 anniversaries

in the past years , our standards of living really has changed dramatically. in the past, parents often worried about their children lacking eating and wearing. in that time, we did not see a number of overseas brands in china , and the pursuit of fashion become the subject of life. in the past, people often communicated by writing letters or taking telegram. today nearly every people use mobile phones to communicate with everyone at anywhere. a succession of changes has affected us , which leads us to live a more happier life.

in the past 60 years, china has scored impressive achievements in its development. chinasquo;s economy , especially in the latest 30 years, runs at an average of 9.4 percent,with its gdp jumping from 147.3 billion us dollars to over 1.4 trillion us dollars. as the same time, the technology of chain has improved rapidly. the gold sevensquo; lunch is the best evidence. the most pride of china is the success of beijing olympic games, which exhibits a harmonious china to foreigners.

in the end , let us bless our dear county to have a bright future together.


ever since the dawning of the history of mankind, there have been myriads of diversifed inventions, discoveries, and even explorations of the mysteries of the universe. in fact, the human beings are so intelligent that we have solved almost all kinds of problems we have confronted with.

however, nobody has ever made out what the word love really connotes, not even the most famous people such as great politicians, saints and philosophers can clarify the meaning of love, neither can they deal with the various affairs concerning love. love is like a huge boundless net that shrouds us all in. we can neither break away from it nor escape from it. like it or not, we are always entangled in it. it is an invisible net without any form, that shrouds in different people from different angels; it is a merciless net that upsets us or even tortures us to death. it is also a supreme net which almost no human can surpass. even if they are heroes, emperors, wise men or saints, they can do nothing but show their helplessness in its face. those who can breathe through the holes of the net should be regarded beyond commonness and vulgarity. love can bring us temporary comfort and happiness, but mostly they bring about annoyance and sufferings. maybe this is the reason why many people have seen through the illusions of the mortal world. however it is not so easy to break away from this boundless, ever-existing and indifferent net of love.

love is varied and changeable, but roughly it can be divided into three categories: family love, fraternal love and amatory love. not like monkey king who jumped out of the rocks, we were all born after mother's pregnancy of about nine months, hence we have countless relatives without any choice: parents, grand-parents, and grand-parents-in-law, uncles and aunties, brothers and sisters, etc. and once looking at the genealogical tree, we'll see no end. family love is what everyone longs for, but the warmth and support from our beloved ones are what everyone yearns for the most. but how many of us are determined to contribute to our beloved one? and how many don't expect repayment and relaxed. conscience even if they have the desire and preparation to contribute to their beloved. the distance between relatives is different and so are their expectations. but since it's very difficult to know how much we should expect, a lot of worries and distresses emerge.





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