











曾经听过这样一句话:“既然是花,我就要开放;既然是树,我就要长成栋梁;既然是石头,我就要铺成大路。”那么,既然要做一名合格的学生会主席,我就要成为一名出色的领航员!我有足够的自信与能力来胜任这个职务。首先,我有足够的工作热情。一名好的学生干部最首要的就是要有工作热情。因为热情是工作的原动力,拥有了热情才能主动服务于同学,拥有了热情才能成为同学的朋友,进而成为老师的助手!其次,我有丰富的工作经验。9年的班长工作,让我把位同学们服务视为自己的一部分;3年的团支部工作,让我了解到了协调合作的重要性;组织并参与“手拉手、心连心”向贫困地区儿童献爱心活动,增强了我的组织能力;在 k市广播电台经济频道的半年主播生活,积累了我的社会经验和实践能力;“教师节文艺汇演”及“校园艺术节”的成功举办,提高了我的协调能力;“市级三好学生”的获得,则是对我能力的肯定……第三,我深知团队合作的重要性。一座大厦不可能只由一根柱子来支撑。正如马克思、恩格斯所说:只有在集体中,人才能获得全面发展才能的机会。可见一个人的能力是有限的,要想搞好一个组织,就得分工合作,结合团队的最大力量,进而更好的建设学生会!第四,要做一个合格的学生干部,就应当以大局为重。这就要求有高度的责任感和吃苦耐劳的精神!同时,我会不断地武装自己,努力在各方面充实自己,开拓创新,以便进一步地建设好学生会,从而更好地服务于同学们!


假如我当上了学生会主席,我首先会要求学生会的成员语言文明,举止大方礼貌 ,因为别人在聆听我们,别人在关注我们。


假如我当上了学生会主席,我将以“奉献校园,服务同学”为宗旨,真正做到为同学们服务 ,代表同学们行使合法权益,为校园的建设尽心尽力。在学生会利益前,我们坚持以学校、大多数同学的利益为重,决不以公谋私。努力把学生会打造成一个学生自己管理自己,高度自治,体现学生主人翁精神的团体。




thank you for coming to this election campaign today. with the trust and complete support of my team, i am delighted to announce that i am running for chairman of the student union. as a diligent man with pleasant personality, i have been always considered to be a good team member. meanwhile, as a big fan of sports i fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. i possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. in addition, my working experience with the student union in the past two years will be extremely helpful to my future work here if i get elected.

a sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. if i am elected, i believe i have the capability to lead the union to advance in the right direction. i will cooperate well with my fellow members of the union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the union a true assistance to students' study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students.


thank you for coming to this election campaign today. with the trust and complete support of my team, i am delighted to announce that i am running for chairwoman of the students union.

as we all know, the purpose of students union in our university is for students and serves students. i guess everyone in our university wants to have friendly social circles, exquisite campus, various students’ activities and interesting games. they are nice wishes that belong to

students, and formidable duties that are taken over by the students union. but in achieving all these above, we have to establish a strong team in students union to organize, as i can see, and you are eager to take part in the sea of joy. students union is actually a powerful organization for what they do for the convenience of every student in our university, which has set an excellent example for other students’ organizations and prevails in the competition with them. but we all should notice that, in order to keep its vitality and energy, the students union needs an awesome president as a leader to plan, to arrange, to organize and to supervise every detail of tasks, games and activities, and he would be on duty from the second he is selected by you, sensible and wise student.

having experienced two years in students union, i have become mature and seasoned enough to continue in the more and more severe challenges no matter how difficult it is. as a diligent woman with pleasant personality, i have been always considered to be a good team member. meanwhile, as a big fan of sports, i fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. i possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. in addition, my working experience with the student union in the past two years will be extremely helpful to my future work here if i get elected.

what’s more, i am always a responsible woman whatever the situation is. my sense of responsibility has shown in my work, and could be also proved by my prize for my contribution that i have made during the period in students union. if you are in hesitation to select a good

president, do not omit me as long as you remember me and my previous performance. no one has given his heart and soul to students union more than i have. unhappily, sometimes you might be blinded by those people who want to grab your trust by speaking sugared words. but i am not a liar, and to lie is not my style. you can trust me, and i would testify my responsibility and carefulness in the days that follow. a sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. if i am elected, i believe i

have the ability to lead the union to advance in the right direction. i will cooperate well with my fellow members of the union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the union a true assistance to students' study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students.

i wish you could give me a chance to lead students union and create more wonders for you. i wish you could make a right decision.





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