中学生英文的自我介绍2篇("Crafting A Compelling Introduction: Unveiling the Art of Self-Introduction in English for High School Students")

This article will provide some tips and samples for middle school students to introduce themselves in English. A good self-introduction can leave a positive impression on others and help build confidence. Whether it’s for a school project, a social event, or a job interview, mastering the art of self-introduction is a valuable skill for students to acquire.



hello, my name is xxx. i am a freshman who just entered the middle school gate. like many freshmen, i came to the sacred hall with the curiosity and curiosity. i think you are not very familiar with me. i'll give you a brief introduction

i'm plain: a round face with a pair of small but bright eyes; eyes below is the collapse of the face almost touching the nose, even reminiscent of "plain"; "the nose is my glib mouth, it can often help me to bring you joy! although i have a flat appearance, my character is quite different from a lot of girls of my age.

i have a black, refreshing short hair, and "match" my appearance and name, how to look like a boy. my hobbies and personality as well as many boys, i like sports, badminton and table tennis room i love; my character and i love boys almost, director of agile, poker-faced, have not love slow, dawdle. this may be my advantage. since i was young, i like to do something solemn and unremitting, and even if i have a big difficulty, i will continue. i'm not boasting:

i remember when i first came home from the transfer to beijing, my english really can be said to be not through the six orifices, utterly ignorant of. at that time, i was in grade four, and i was strong enough to see that my classmates could always get the ideal scores while they were in examinations, but they couldn't do it themselves. at this time, i made up my mind secretly in my heart: i must catch up with our classmates and strive to surpass them! since then, i began to work hard to keep my promise: 3 hours of class class every sunday; every night i do exercises... in this way, with my persistence in english, my english scores gradually improved, and i realized that my english scores were at the top of the list, which made me glad to mention it. in the same way, it also confirms an ancient chinese saying: there is nothing difficult in the world, only a man of heart! you say, right?

no one is perfect, and of course i have many shortcomings. but the most fatal of them is that i am very careless. this shortcoming has been with me for six years, and i really want to get rid of it. however, i do not work hard, always at the critical juncture there are some small mistakes. i really hope i can get rid of this shortcoming, or the old saying: there is nothing difficult in the world, only a man of heart! i believe that someday i will have my strengths to overcome my fatal shortcomings.

do you know me? this is me, a plain i, a boy like me, a persistent me, a careless i.



hi, my name is xxx. i'm xx years old, a middle school student apparently. i love music very much although i'm not very good at singing. i've been playing guzheng, an ancient traditional instrument for a long time and now i'm in level 10, which means a really high level among the amateurs. apart from that, i also like to reading and writing. they both give me a lot of fun and build my unique personality as well as my goal and dream.

i like wangfei very much. she could be my favorite singer.... personally, i've been considering i have a really complicated personality because sometimes don't really like to study, sometimes..... however, i'm very positive and look forwards to my future because i'm the one who will realize my goal.





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