我的朋友英语作文锦集4篇("Boundless Friendship in the Pages: A Collection of My English Essays")




my good friend is ouyang wenqing. her english name is lily. she is nine years old. she is tall and big, she has small eyes, short hair and a red mouth, she is really a nice girl, because she studies very hard and always help others.

she likes to eat beaf and pears, she likes pink. her favourite animal is rabbit. she likes to run and jump, and she can run fast and jump very high, her english is very good.



i have a close friend whose name is libing. he is half head taller than me. he likes to dress in blue jeans and he is very friendly to people.


once i was ill at home. he lived far away from my house but he came and helped me with my study.


he always says, "a life without a friend is a life without sunshine." my friend has done the same as he says. i'm happy to have such a friend. if he is in trouble, i'll try my best to help him.




i have a good friend. he is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.

i have known him since senior one. we are both interested in english. once both of us entered for an english contest. how eagerly i epected to get a prize! on hearing that i had failed in the contest, i could hardly hold back my tears. "what a pity!" i murmured to myself over and over again. i felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.i love english and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. i have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. so i felt very sad.

just at this time, i received a short letter in english, saying, "failure is the mother of success. cheer up! dont lose confidence. keep on your study and you will succeed!" i knew it was from the good friend of mine.these words encouraged me greatly. i forgot all my sadness. from then on, i studied english even harder. in the net english contest, i got the first prize. of course, he was delighted with my success.

i am very lucky to have such a good friend. im thankful to him for his help.


friend, you are a part of my life. friend, you are a part of my life, is an indispensable person in my life. friends ah, you are my savior, my door in adversity, but you always sacrifice to save me; friend, are you...... friends have a variety of character, but some of the character is not good, he'll tell him. i have too many friends, i would say a big friend.

my big friend, she is my neighbor's a child, she read the first now, but she also every time when painting or see the understanding friend diffuse guest or related japanese animation; sometimes take out her mp3 player to listen to music in japan, will be great to sing with her sister, i also want to go to complain about her, but it sounds too good, i don't have the heart to go to complain about her.

this is one of her hobbies, she usually likes to find small meeting, we talk about then up food sometimes, sometimes talk then go to the north cellar library reading a book, sometimes...

a lot of friends of my hobbies, i will introduce to here, your friend also have this hobby? so, that you might be very lucky!









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