关于失败的英语演讲8篇("Embracing Failure: A Powerful English Speech on Overcoming Setbacks")

Failures are a part of life, and learning how to overcome them is a crucial life skill. In this article, we will be exploring the topic of failed speeches in the English language, and how they can be used as a source of inspiration for those who are struggling to find their voice in the public speaking arena. From renowned speeches that went awry to personal accounts of speakers who flopped, this article will delve into the lessons that can be learned from such failures and how one can turn them into success.



when we go to school, we are taught that life is not always going well, we will meet all kinds of difficulties. everyone hears the words, but when they meet difficulties, it is hard for them to be ok with it, they feel the life is hopeless, just as hearing is easy, while taking action is another thing. once a famous business person said that the one who faced the failure and stood up, he or she will be successful. i absolutely believe it, we are in front of so many accidents, we need to face the setback and learn from it, every setback is a test for us, only the one who passes the test can succeed. such as when we feel it hard to study, then give up, how can we make progress. life teaches us lesson every minute, the adverse situation is a good chance to upgrade ourselves.




many people, especially young college students, like pop songs. they hum small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never tired of this. some of them are even mad about pop songs, rock'n'roll in particular. they shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.

others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. despite such popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss such kind of songs as crude and worthless. they hold that these songs are easy to sing and they are usually characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth. based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have gained such popularity. whereas many others stick to pop songs. their lives seem to ha dull without songs.

in my point of view, pop songs should not be banned. true, their tunes are simple and sometimes repetitious, but this is not to say that they are of no artistic value. folk songs are also quite simple in tune but no one could dismiss them as trash songs. there is no denying that some pop songs are equally excellent. why? because they are widely sung and widely remembered. for example, "yesterday" is of high artistic value. no one can deny its beautifulness in tune. of com-se, there are bad songs that will not last long, but pop song fans will give these songs their due by choosing to sing them or not.


in the world, i am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble allhis life. so we must face failure. in fact, failure is not fearful, butimportant thing is how to face it correctly. facing failure, people will nevertake their fate lying down.they will try their best to work harder and harderuntil at last they succeed.

not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy thepleasure of success. so they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all dayand all night. in fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.

my friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, “failure is the mother ofsuccess.”

twists and turns in life are unavoidable and are not always bad. we shouldhave a more optimistic view on life and try to make the most of it and drawlessons from the bumps and turns along the way.

if there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is theability to profit by defeat. every success i know has been achieved because theperson was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his nextundertaking. confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure.for it isn't defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeatthe guide and encouragement to success. defeats are nothing to be ashamed of.they are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. butdefeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it andlearn why you failed.

defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. not only doesdefeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such acompelling desire to succeed. if you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull itaway, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended.it is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength everytime you are defeated. if you exploit the power which defeat gives, you canaccomplish with it far more than you are capable of.


everybody will have failure.the failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement.really, the successful man is very happy, they own fresh flowers, applause.but the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented.in fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of[with] failures.because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement.

fail don‘t mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven‘t succeeded; fail don‘t mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; fail don‘t mean you are a stupid person who don‘t know to improvise, failing to mean you have attic faith; fail don‘t mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying.......


失败并不表示你是一为失败者,失败只是表示你尚未成功; 失败并不表示你一无所成,失败表示你得到经验; 失败并不表示你是一个不知变通的蠢人,失败表示你有坚定的信念; 失败并不表示你必须一直压抑不快,失败表示你乐意尝试.......


my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.

you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.

i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day.


who and groups famously follow the opinions of the most dominant or charismatic person in the room, even though there's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas -- i mean zero. so ... (laughter) you might be following the person with the best ideas, but you might not. and do you really want to leave it up to chance? much better for everybody to go off by themselves, generate their own ideas freed from the distortions of group dynamics, and then come together as a team to talk them through in a well-managed environment and take it from there.

now if all this is true, then why are we getting it so wrong? why are we setting up our schools this way and our workplaces? and why are we making these introverts feel so guilty about wanting to just go off by themselves some of the time? one answer lies deep in our cultural history. western societies, and in particular the u.s., have always favored the man of action over the man of contemplation and man of contemplation. but in america's early days, we lived in what historians call a culture of character, where we still, at that point, valued people for their inner selves and their moral rectitude. and if you look at the self-help books from this era, they all had titles with things like character, the grandest thing in the world. and they featured role models like abraham lincoln who was praised for being modest and unassuming. ralph waldo emerson called him a man who does not offend by superiority.

but then we hit the 20th century and we entered a new culture that historians call the culture of personality. what happened is we had evolved an agricultural economy to a world of big business. and so suddenly people are moving from small towns to the cities. and instead of working alongside people they've known all their lives, now they are having to prove themselves in a crowd of strangers. so, quite understandably, qualities like magnetism and charisma suddenly come to seem really important. and sure enough, the self-help books change to meet these new needs and they start to have names like how to win friends and influence people. and they feature as their role models really great salesmen. so that's the world we're living in today. that's our cultural inheritance.


failure is a common thing in one's life. almost everyone experiences failure in his life. when one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. but others will stick to and achieve the final success.

success is what everyone expects. it may lead to fame and glory. when one suc ceeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all the unsuccessful at tempts he has done.

as the old saying goes, "failure teaches success." it is true that failure is an impor tam factor toward success. the way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. and only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy.


failure is so common in our life. no one can avoid it. when we fail in doing something, we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in other things. sometimes failure can also make us lose heart. therefore, no one wants to be a failure.

success is what we all hope for, because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. the moment we succeed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. if one enjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped by others.

however, failure is the mother of success. one failure doesn’t mean you can never be successful. it depends on what we do to deal with failure. those who are always afraid of failure and can’t go through it will never win. but as long as we can get some lessons and experience from our failure, we’ll be sure to succeed.





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