母亲节英文演讲稿7篇("A Tribute to Mothers: A Mother's Day Speech in English")

Mother's Day is a special occasion celebrated annually to honor the love, dedication and sacrifices of mothers around the world. To mark this special day, many people express their appreciation through heartwarming speeches and various other activities. This article provides an inspiring guide to crafting a memorable Mother's Day speech in English.















(甲)是啊,母爱是无私的,在任何时候都一样。得意时,母亲不一定能在我们身边和我们一起分享成功的喜悦。但她那淳淳教诲总能让我们不再迷失自己。失意的时候,母亲一定能在我们的身边。她的鼓励及安慰,总能让我们在逆境中找到自我。下面我们掌声请出梁露华同学,让她为我们朗诵—— 《献给母亲的爱》

(三)朗诵—— 《献给母亲的爱》(约3分钟) 配乐(《烛光里的妈妈》)



today is mother's day in may 10th, is the mother of the world festival, inthis day, i want to give my mother a bunch of flowers, because in other days,she often is the most fortunate in the family. morning mother to us to cook, andagain in the evening to check my homework, every now and then we will see hertemples, two white hair.

remember once in a term because of poor grades, was scolded by my mother,at that time i felt very unhappy, do not understand mother why that is. but nowi know, mom is good for me, what parents do not succeed, hope female cheng feng.i know my mother at that time called me very uncomfortable, but hit is pro,scold is love, she had to use "mean" words to me, so i can get up again, andstrive to read.

even though my mother is strict with me, my mother loves me very much.

put ginger in it makes me think of my sick time, is a serious cold, i waswearing cotton padded clothes, quilt, lying in the bed, and put a warm baby, buti still feel like in the antarctic water as cold, my mother in the kitchen forme, while i began to cough, mother heard immediately after running with warmhand patted me on the back and give me water to drink, i become much better, mymother gave me a bowl of porridge, porridge lotus seeds, in the evening i coughwith powerful and had a high fever, mother will give me busy, a night didn'tsleep.

this makes me think of my mother and i talk back, only because my motherdid not help me buy chestnut hair and angry, can not help but nose acid, thismore let a person regret ah!

therefore, the mother of us is selfless, we should live a good life tohonor her mother.








a very warm welcome to you all. i hope you all are doing well and are veryexcited to celebrate mother’s day. we all are gathered here to dedicate this dayto the wonderful personality. i am glad to give a speech on this auspiciousday.

we all have or had in our lives- ‘mother’, ‘mom’, ‘maa’, ‘amaa’, the wordsfor this most beautiful soul sound similar across most languages and evokesimilar connotations of love and warmth. she is like a god to her child. the godcannot be everywhere so he made the mothers to protect his all the children onthe earth. we all can identify her as a goddess of multitasking, we say a thingor just give it a thought and she does that from cooking to earning and frompampering to scolding us for our wrong things, she plays her part with utmostlove and affection.

the mothers are the creator of our existence, she is the one who has madeus feel what exactly the life is, she made us alive and has produced virtueswithin us. isn’t it?

i think she is the strongest string who attaches the entire familytogether, she always motivates us and builds our strength and does everythingthat has can help us to face the world with dignity, confidence and power.mother is the person who moulds and frames us, the one who build us bothphysically and mentally and empowers us to face the world.

she is like a sunshine for her children and is always the first person whomwe can think of our good and bad situations. mother is the first thought that weall have in our mind when we are not well, when we are sad, when we face thefailure in life or when we reach the greatest height of success.

somebody has said it very well that, “behind every successful man, there isa woman”. i appreciate this quote and have no second thought on this that womancan be none other than the ‘mother’.

she is the one whose prayers are focused just on her child because it isonly the mother who carries the entire world in her and has been blessed by godwith the power to nurture a complete life in her womb that too with intense loveand care.

mother, being the supreme lover, loves her child like nothing else in theworld. with her unconditional love and affection, she removes all the troublesthat come across her way. she let nothing to stand in her path when it comes toher child. from the day we step into this world till the day we are carried toour final destination we come across many relations- some are to betray you,some to leave us all alone, and some for their own sake. but there is onerelation who has no boundaries, no obligations and unconditional love that is“motherhood”.

at i just want to say that you all respect this wonderful gift of god. weshould take a pledge not to hurt our mothers and should take the utmost care ofthem and they did during all their life for making our lives even better.

i conclude my speech with the words, “maa,- to the world you are my motherbut to me, you are my world”.


a man, she will always occupy the most flexibility in your mind where youwould like to use his life to love her; have a love, it allows you to requestindiscriminately, to enjoy, but do not want you any return ... ... the man,called " mother ", a love, called" motherhood "!

may 11 is mother's day, is our hearts forget the most difficult days. thisfestival is a mother's praise and praise, is to remind us always remember:thanksgiving our mother.

mothers give us life experience, we are grateful; mother so that we grow,our gratitude; mother's education and guidance given to us so that we gainknowledge and strength, and we appreciate; in our life, there are alwaysdifficulties and setbacks the mother to care and help us, we should begrateful.

thanksgiving is one of love, conscience, kindness, sense of responsibilityand loyalty to the overall performance. difficult to imagine an enduredsufferings did not support their parents grew up in filial piety, i wonder if inreturn, the teacher, students did not love and respect i do not know who hisfuture with the company, what his country to assume responsibility? anon-patriotic, do not like home, people who do not love others, how candedicated to building the motherland tomorrow?


a man, she will always occupy the most flexibility in your mind where youwould like to use his life to love her; have a love, it allows you to requestindiscriminately, to enjoy, but do not want you any return ... ... the man,called " mother ", a love, called" motherhood "!

may 11 is mother's day, is our hearts forget the most difficult days. thisfestival is a mother's praise and praise, is to remind us always remember:thanksgiving our mother.

mothers give us life experience, we are grateful; mother so that we grow,our gratitude; mother's education and guidance given to us so that we gainknowledge and strength, and we appreciate; in our life, there are alwaysdifficulties and setbacks the mother to care and help us, we should begrateful.

thanksgiving is one of love, conscience, kindness, sense of responsibilityand loyalty to the overall performance. difficult to imagine an enduredsufferings did not support their parents grew up in filial piety, i wonder if inreturn, the teacher, students did not love and respect i do not know who hisfuture with the company, what his country to assume responsibility? anon-patriotic, do not like home, people who do not love others, how candedicated to building the motherland tomorrow?

ad wrote that little boy for his mother's feet moving pieces can be in reallife, and whether every child can take it? "en when the water drop to yongquanof" we may sometimes point people will care a strange obsession, but then turn ablind eye mother's love and hate her nagging, or because of some small on thebig fat (from the document about ) thunder ... ... however, the mother hasalways supported us in the side of the quiet, patient education, enlighten usand give us support and encouragement.

mother as pure as jade, ivory carving as fine, by the water of life,maternal brewing pure and fragrant. we should cherish a grateful heart to hearher mother's nagging, sincere mother's stern face, understanding the inner worldof the mother as the sun ... ...

let us from now on, the mother from the beginning of filial piety, societythanksgiving! let us remember that the world shared his mother's birthday, forhis mother wash feet, pounding a hammer for her hard work in the back, hismother a warm hug, a warm blessing, a look of grateful smiles! life in china,original pham van park

in this warm day, i wish all mothers in the whole world - happy mother'sday! a bunch of carnations, a "mother, you worked hard," can make the mother'scheek re-blossoming bright smile! let us a little more attentive and caringmother, mother and filling our home with happineand harmony, then we welcome areal grown up!

here i would like to quote a poem to the end: baby's growth is the motherof regeneration hope; orphan failure, sorrow and grief the mother's tears;orphan's succeis the mother happy smile.

students, to the mother's smile, in order for tomorrow's harvest, and notlet your ambition made me worry now!


yes, it is mothers day. it is the perfect day to tell your mother that youlove her through and through. tell her that she is your whole world and she isreally valuable to you. tell her loud and clear that she is very special to youand she makes your world a much more beautiful place to live. she needs to getthe acknowledgement what she do for us and there is nothing better than to makemothers day special for her. celebrate with her and make sure that this time sheknows that she is very dear to you.

always remember that our mothers will never tell about their struggles andsuffering but we can always do something to lessen her burdens. it is high timethat we recognise the importance of this angel in our life which is constantlymaking our life blissful with her love, understanding and kindness.

hug and kiss your mother and tell her you love her very much. you should doeverything to make her see that you really care for her. so don’t miss anyopportunity. this mother’s day, grab your chance to showcase your love for yourmother!





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