



in 1983, at the close of the international design conference in aspen,steve jobs buried a time capsule with his friends.

many attendees contributed various items, like a rubik's cube, and even amoody blues recording.

but because the late apple co-founder donated the lisa mouse he'd usedduring his presentation at the conference,it has become known as the "steve jobstime capsule."

during that speech,jobs seems to have predicted a slew of futuretechnologies,including the ipad,wireless networking,and even apple's appstore



another happy summer vacation came. i can't afford to waste this precioustime. i should not only play well, but also study harder. in order to have afull and meaningful summer vacation, the following life and study plans areformulated:

1. play daily half day, half day study. be very safe when you play. thesummer homework assigned by the teacher should be completed carefully.

2. i will finish the class of the composition class, the small journalistclass, the olympic class, the calligraphy class, and finish the homeworkassigned by the teacher.

3. read at least one meaningful book, read the book notes, and write downthe reading.

4. practice the harmonica according to the requirements of the school.

5. pay attention to exercise and take part in the swimming exercise. bestcan let mom and dad took me to the heyang magical springs "virgin" swimming,catch a few fish there, after you come back to complete school arrangement"happy swimming pool" and "xia" two paintings.

6. go to yan 'an with my father and mother, and take a look at the memorialof huangdi mausoleum, baota mountain, zaoyuan, yangjialing and yan 'anrevolution, and accept the yan 'an spirit education. on the way, look at thewaterfall of the yellow river and the martyrs' cemetery in wawa street. when icame back, i wrote a composition on yan 'an in my heart. the first issue of thepaper is entitled yan 'an spirit of eternal life.

7. watch two movies with dad and mom; go to the wild goose pagoda square toadmire the biggest music fountain in xi 'an.

8. if there is time, check the information on the internet to see thecomposition; try to read more extra-curricular books and try to expand yourknowledge.


in our world, there are always existing side by side two kinds of people.on one hand, some people can do well in many things in their everyday life andthey seem to have much time than the others. on the other hand, a majority ofpeople complain about they have too much work to do and has no time to exerciseor even just sit down for a while. this difference comes from the attitudetowards time of a person. so, which way is the most effective way to usetime?

firstly, the concept of the value of time in the mind of a persondetermines how he spends his time. among my classmates, there have two studentshave two different opinions of time. one is always in diligent study for hisidea that time is flying and the past time will not come again. therefore, hehas got good marks and achieved many accomplishments in college. in contrary,the other student does not notice the importance of time so he is occupied withnothing everyday. obviously, he has attempted and accomplished nothing but livedhis life leisurely and carefree. thus, a positive attitude towards time is goodfor using time effectively.

secondly, reasonable arrangements of the time of a person contribute to hisuse of time effectively. once i was busy with my daily life because i had toprepare for tem6 of english and did sport besides took classes. however, i couldnot do them all every day. one day i discussed with my teacher about myaffliction, then i accepted his advice to arrange my time to distinguish whichthing was must to do and which was not necessary. a few days later, i did my jobwith skill and ease.

at last, once a person make his mind to do something, then, action. if onetakes account of too many things before to do one thing, he will waste too muchtime, even lost confidence to do it. this is one of the reasons why a largenumber of people can not use their time effectively.

to sum up, in order to use time effectively, one should look on his timepositively, notice the importance of it and arrange it reasonable and actionquickly. as the saying goes “an inch of time is more precious than one inch ofgold”, we should cherish time from mow.


today i found time was a cruel thing. whatever man is, time always goes on.it won’t stay to wait for somebody. you can’t use anything to exchange time.time is also a fair thing. although you have a lot of money or you enjoy highreputation, time won’t leave them more. today i found i hadn’t enough time.although i have 50-day holiday, but i found i had a lot of things to do. i had alot of homework to do and i had something necessary to do.



as a popular saying goes, time is money. but does time definitely meanmoney? i don't think so. first of all, time is more precious than money. whenmoney is spent, you can earn it back if you want to. however,when time is gone,it will never come back. to some extent, time is priceless. second, not all timecan be turned into money in the end. some persons are idling all the time. theirtime is just for wasting, not for earning money. they will end in nothing atlast. so be sure to remember that time can be turned into money only with hardwork involved in it.



during the summer vacation, i went back to my hometown with my father andmother. my hometown is in the countryside, where there is a beautiful sceneryand fresh air.

in my hometown, i have many friends, they are all very cute, i like to playgames with them, i have a good time everyday.

one of the most interesting things about summer vacation is fishing. onthis day, my father and i had nothing to do at home. so i proposed to gofishing, my father promised me. i excitedly look for a fishing net and a smallbucket of fish. we came to the river happily, the water was clear, the fish swamin the water, very lovely. when he got out of the river and went to the shallowwater, he got the net and landed on the shore. to get the fish to surf theinternet, we went up to the river and took small stones and put them into theriver. the little fish was frightened and wandered about, and accidentally goton the net. after a while, there were fish all over the internet. i was sohappy. my father and i quickly put the net away, carefully taking the fish andputting it into a small bucket of water. the fish happily swam about in thebucket and was very happy. then we caught a lot of fish, and it was late, and myfather and i went home happily.


the happy summer vacation finally arrived, for my summer vacation moremeaningful, i now

first, safety first, 1, pay attention to traffic safety, do not play on theroad, railway

play, obey the traffic rules. 2. ask your parents for permission to goout

street, don't go out with people you don't know. pay attention to foodhygiene.

learn not to relax. 1. learn calligraphy and art. you can learn a lot bygoing out. read 30, 000 words of extra-curricular, read 10,000 books, andpractice the math olympiad. listen to english tapes for a few minutes everymorning.

three, labor and escape combine summer vacation. 1. appropriate play,healthy games. 2, don't "read a book", read a book later.

iv. summer vacation to supplement "labor class". i help my parents to dohousework

2. plant some flowers and plants. through labor practices, we willcultivate our labor skills and enhance our labor

the concept, understand the connotation of labor, deepen the feelings ofworking people, raise the practical ability

force, cultivate independence, industrious, simple, hard-working and moralcharacter.





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