
This article presents a collection of English translation samples for speeches. It aims to provide readers with a variety of examples, including political speeches, commencement speeches, and inspirational speeches, to demonstrate the application of English language skills in public speaking.



a hundred years ago, the communist party of china was born in the ancient land of china, sowing the fire of faith and lighting up the strong light of truth.

the rings of history have been turning for thousands of years, and patriotism has slowly precipitated into a culture. the mellow fragrance of patriotic culture is getting stronger and stronger, and i can't help but revel in it. although the storm of history is vast and turbulent, it can not dilute the chinese people's respect for heroes; although the river of years is long and winding, it can not flow away people's memory of heroes. their glorious image of patriotism, lofty national spirit, magnificent words and moving feats... i admire them.

patriotism is the lofty belief of the sentence "who has never died in life since ancient times, stay loyal and shine on history". perhaps our patriotic enthusiasm can not be expressed on the battlefield with blood as fire. let's start from the small things around us, use knowledge weapons to defend and build the motherland, and live up to the expectations of soldiers.

now, with the rapid development of science and technology in china, china has entered a new period. we can only remember and recall the era of "throwing our heads and sprinkling blood". the heroes of the 21st century no longer need flesh and blood to fight, but are involved in a smoke free war: the olympic games, business, scientific and technological creation, literature and art... the chinese people are fighting hard and fighting for china!

as middle school students and successors of communism, we should start from every place around us, carry forward the chinese soul, and the soul is china!



my name is --,from i am speaking with the party forever. 2021 is a great day for the communist party of china,which ushered in the 100th anniversary of the communist party of china. 100 years of hard wind and rain,along the way,the achievements are remarkable. our hero,the communist party of china,is the core of the leadership of the chinese people,the leader of leading the chinese people from one victory to another,and the navigation light guiding china to the prosperous,prosperous and powerful ming masters!

think of the past it opened the door of imperialist invasion of china,and the chinese people have been suffering from imperialism for more than half a century. at this time,the decadent qing dynasty was also in a precarious state and finally collapsed after the 1911 revolution. the poor chinese people thought that they could live a bright and happy life after they were rid of feudal rule. but the subsequent northern government rule shattered this good hope,and the chinese people were in a painful ocean. it is because the chinese people suffer and suffer that the birth of the communist party of china is because of the absence of a country,and it is precisely because of the correct leadership of the communist party of china that we will not be colonized before we will not die,and we will establish a new china. after the founding of new china,the communist party of china resolutely led the chinese people to create a new life and build a new country when all the waste was waiting for prosperity. after years of hard work and outstanding leadership,before the reform and opening up,the communist party of china led the chinese people to establish a solid industrial system,laying a solid foundation for the development of china's economy after the reform and opening up. at this time,the two bombs and one star made millions of chinese people raise their eyebrows. after the reform and opening up,our country has strong national strength,and any foreign enemy dare not invade it. at this time,the country is still taking off,but there are also some problems. the high house prices dare not look up to,the expensive doctors dare not think,school hard to imagine,the difficulty of pension dare not to delusion. but i believe that the wise communist party of china will step by step solve these problems.

the future is bright and the party's principles and policies are wise. we should always support the communist party of china and follow the party. forever!





life is a mirror. if we smile to her, she would also return the happinessto us. but if we cry, she would be disappointed. therefore, we should bepositive toward life, so as to get happiness.


actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. as we keep agood mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music.however, if we are pessimists, we'll find our world is full of darkness.


while on the other side, happiness is not a destination but a journey.because there's no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if we'rehard-working and intelligent. so we should work like we don't need money, smilelike we've never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.






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