长城的英语导游词6篇("The Great Wall Unveiled: A Comprehensive English Guided Tour")

The Great Wall of China is one of the most impressive feats of engineering in human history. As a popular tourist attraction, a well-crafted English tour guide can make all the difference in providing visitors with an informative and engaging experience. In this article, we explore some of the best English-language scripts for Great Wall tours.



everybody is good! i am your tour guide, my name is wang, everybody call me wang dao is ok. today i take you to visit is the badaling section of the great wall in beijing, hope we can have a good time, play happy!

you listen to me carefully. in order to secure the adults must bring their own children, mind your own luggage. do a civilized chuhangren, mind your own mouth, do not say dirty words; mind your own hand, do not litter.

the great wall is the great symbol of the chinese nation, we concentrated the working people of ancient china's two thousand architectural history, has been included in the "world heritage list". see the great wall, he is like a huge dragon winding between mountains. you don't believe it, can stand on top of the great wall have a look, confirm it.

we have come to the great wall. now we began to climb the great wall. hurry up, keep friend behind!

standing on the great wall i want to tell you a legend about the great wall: long long ago, that is, when the just began to build the wall, the rulers in order to build the great wall all men grasp to go to the great wall, meng jiangnu's husband - fan qiliang is grasp to go to repair the great wall. after many days, meng jiangnu no news of her husband, meng jiangnu was to look for one person. after untold hardships, finally get the news of her husband, but her husband has gone, the voice of grief she burst into tears, astounding great wall collapsed... "

charm of the legend after, we immediately to the "bawcock slope". the meaning of "bawcock slope" is only men can go on. remember that not a true man unless he comes to the great wall! now everybody slowly climb, i will not be involved. the remaining free time activities.

yes, i have a camera, to look for a picture! "one, two, three" "cheese". ok! say the last sentence, two hours after collection at bus stop! remember two hours!



hello everyone, today i'm your guide: ji hanpeng, you can call me ji dao.today, i take you to visit the place, you must know, it is the world-famoushistorical relics of the great wall.

the great wall is a key cultural relic in china. it was listed on the worldheritage list in december 20__, which is the pride of the people's republic ofchina and the chinese people.

looking at the great wall from a distance, it is like a giant dragon,winding and circling between the mountains. from shanhaiguan in the east tojiayuguan in the west, it is 21196.1800m long. in ancient times, the great wallwas a great project which was easy to defend but difficult to attack! it wasbuilt in the qin dynasty. the great wall is more than 13000 meters long.according to rough calculation, the great wall can still circle the earth! well,it's amazing! the great wall is made of huge stones and bricks. on the top ofthe wall, the wall is paved with square bricks, which is very flat, like a wideroad, with five or six horses running in parallel. there are rows of crenelsmore than two meters high on the outer edge of the city wall. on the crenels aresquare lookout ports and shooting ports for lookout and shooting. on the top ofthe city wall, there is a square platform every three hundred meters, which is afortress for garrison troops. when fighting, cities and chinese taiwan can echo eachother. today's great wall has no military value, but it is still a touristattraction. the great wall is a national symbol of the people's republic ofchina and an important cultural heritage in the world. next i will tell you alegend: its name is meng jiangnu crying great wall. once upon a time, there wasa beautiful girl named meng jiangnu. after she married fan xiliang, fan xiliangwas arrested to build the great wall. however, fan xiliang still didn't comeback a year later. meng jiangnu couldn't eat and sleep, and came to the foot ofthe great wall from afar. only when she got there did she know that her husbandwas dead. meng jiangnu cried for three days and three nights. her cry was earthshaking, and the great wall collapsed 800 miles long. tourists, what a touchingstory it is! the great wall

now let's have a free tour. we'll gather in two hours. please pay attentionto your safety. don't scribble on the great wall.






china's great wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering. it located at china's capital beijing. he is china is most famous, greatest construction. the great wall is the miracle which our country ancient times the working people created. starts from the warring states time, constructs great wall has been a big project. it has 6700 kilometers. our country ancient times millions of working people have contributed the wisdom for it, has drained away the blood and sweat, causes it to become a world big miracle. therefore said that the great wall is china's symbol

to the northwest and north of beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags it's way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. this is the great wall, which is said to be visible from the moon. construction of the great wall started in the 7th century b.c. the vassal states under the zhou dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes. after the state of qin unified china in 221 b.c., it joined the walls to hold off the invaders from the xiongnu tribes in the north and extended them to more than 10,000 li or 5,000 kilometers. this is the origin of the name of the "10,000-li great wall". the great wall was renovated from time to time after the qin dynasty. a major renovation started with the founding of the ming dynasty in 1368, and took 200 years to complete. the wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. with a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu pain gansu province in the west and to the mouth of the yalu river in liaoning province in the east. what lies north of beijing is but a small section of it.


now we visit the badaling great wall was built during the ming dynasty. for the defense foreign invasion, the qin dynasty, han dynasty and the ming dynasty great wall built more than thirteen thousand. the great wall, west jiayuguan, east to shanhaiguan. the great wall is known as one of the seven wonders of the world.

you see, the great wall was made all the huge stone and chengzhuan masonry. outside the walls of rows along the two meters tall building called buttress, buttress the square hole is at the mouth and nozzle, is for the use of the war. on the top of the wall that past chengtai square, is the bulwark of station troops, every three hundred meters there is a, this war between chengtai can mutual echo.

dear visitors, then can not train, car, didn't also the crane, the pieces have two or three one thousand catties of stone and building materials are carried by manpower, modern is an unheard of, it is no wonder that the world recognized it is a miracle!

to visit the great wall, and everyone to remember a word: not a true man unless he comes to the great wall! only witnessing the predecessors of the great creation, can be in the way of life to become a real bawcock!


hello everyone! i'm your guide __x. when you visit the great wall, pleasedon't scribble on the wall, don't litter, be a civilized tourist.

now we have come to the great wall. look, this section of the great wall isbuilt on badaling. it's tall and strong. it's made of huge stones and bricks.the top of the city wall is paved with square bricks, which is very flat. is itlike a wide road? there are rows of crenels more than two meters high on theouter edge of the city wall. there are square crenels on the crenels? lookoutand shootout, for? for watching and shooting. please see, on the top of the citywall, there is a square platform every 300 meters, which is the fortress ofgarrison. when fighting, cities and chinese taiwan can echo each other.

standing on the great wall, stepping on the square bricks under your feetand supporting the stones on the wall, you will surely think of the workingpeople who built the great wall in ancient times. you look at countless stones,one of which weighs two or three thousand jin. at that time, there were notrains, cars or cranes, so we had to rely on countless shoulders and hands tolift up the steep mountains step by step. let's think about it. how much hardwork and wisdom of the working people can condense the great wall which has nohead in front and no tail in back!

such a magnificent project is a great miracle in the history of the world.it is a symbol of the diligence and wisdom of the chinese nation and the prideof the chinese people.

well, that's all for today's tour. welcome to visit the great wallagain.







everybody is good! welcome you to visit the great wall, we hope our service can make you more happy, also hope you can have fun, play fun, had met. next, let me introduce to you an overview of the great wall.

the great wall is located in the north of beijing, was founded in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period. at that time all kingdoms for defense, each other in their terrain where it is to build the great wall. after qin shi huang unified china, as the defense the invasion of the northern xiongnu, it connects the great wall of the warring states, and its extension, the so-called "great wall".

the great wall, which looked from a distance like a long dragon, winding between the lofty mountains. it is the total length of more than thirteen thousand. sun yat after visiting the great wall, commented: "project of china's most famous, the great wall also.... engineering, ancient without his horse, for only one of the wonders of the world."

we visit today was built at the badaling section of the great wall. tall and strong, the wall is built against the huge stone and chengzhuan. the wall on the top of every three hundred meters there is a "beacon tower", namely square chengtai. on this "beacon tower", you king zhou had directed "peak fire scene leud" together the history of drama.

at the time of emperor qin shi huang built the great wall, with the millions of audiences, 1/20 of the population! wanted initially, the ancient people's hard work, to put the pieces of stone weighing one thousand kg, deep chengzhuan carried on the cliffs.





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