



the sale of the friendly negotiation of both parties, the buyer seller commissioned processing production ________ mould co ______ set. the two sides reached the following processing agreement

product name serial number part name point number (mold type) mold single price (rmb yuan) delivery condition

1. the buyer is responsible for the delivery of the r & d requirements and plans of the seller's project, and provides the sales forecast as far as possible.

2. the buyer is responsible for the delivery of the product design drawings and other related technical information required by the seller to the seller and the technical support.

3., the buyer has the sole right to interpret the product design drawings and related technical data delivered to the seller. when there is ambiguity, the seller shall consult the buyer's opinion and confirm it by the buyer.

4. after the seller completes the design and manufacture of the mould, the buyer will go to the seller's site to verify the mold, or to provide the product sample to the buyer for confirmation and confirmation by the seller. the moulds referred to in this contract include the mould of the product itself and the fixture and mould needed for the subsequent production.

1. the seller is responsible for the design and manufacture of the moulds according to the product design drawings and other related technical information provided by the buyer.

be responsible for completing the mold according to the buyer's design requirements in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.

2. the seller shall be responsible for providing timely certification and sample test, trial production of desired products. at the same time the seller must provide the details of the related products.

the detailed test report is for the buyer's confirmation. in case of repair / modification, the test report is also attached at the same time.

1.5 the seller shall give the buyer the corresponding compensation in the form of the buyer's approval as the seller causes the buyer to spend the labor and cost outside the normal technical support as a result of the seller's cause.

2.1 the seller after the receipt of the buyer after the confirmation of product drawing, which began to enter the mold design and production stage, open cycle for ________ days

2.2 due to buyer's cause the delay of mold making progress is not calculated.

2.3 if the seller's mold making process and other mistakes lead to the failure of the mold to be accepted and the buyer is in urgent need of production.

at the same time, the production should be arranged with the existing mold, and the die should be reopened according to the requirements of the drawings and samples.

3.1 separate settlement: monthly knot, 60 days after the opening of the ticket, open 17% vat invoices.

3.1.1 of the total amount of the contract manufacturing batch mould (including vat) for rmb _________ yuan (rmb ________ yuan), the buyer to pay the total amount of _____% mold, mold ___% residual cost allocation in the first 50k products, if the number of orders less than 50k, the buyer shall supply the seller after the unamortized tooling cost.

3.1.2 from the two sides after the signing of the contract, the seller to provide value-added tax invoices (mold total ____%), the buyer within twenty working days of payment.

4. product order: only after the quality acceptance of the product sample is qualified and the buyer's written confirmation, the seller may accept the order of the third party authorized by the buyer or the buyer. the order contract signed by third parties authorized by the buyer with the buyer's seller is subject to this contract.

after the seller has completed the mold, the seller agrees to guarantee the quality of the product in accordance with the buyer's quality standard (the first confirmation report).

the buyer reserves the right to modify the content of the quality standard in accordance with the actual needs.

1. the ownership of all moulds and clamping fixtures and their assembly drawings and parts drawings (including 2d and 3d) involved in the contract shall be owned by the buyer, and the seller shall not interfere with the buyer's disposition of the molds. if the seller is responsible for the custody of the seller, the seller shall not supply the mould to the third party without the buyer's consent, otherwise the buyer shall have the right to ask the seller to return the mold fee and compensate for the loss.

2. when the buyer pays the mold cost, the seller must cooperate with the buyer or the third party designated by the buyer to transfer the inspection and accept the replacement of the die from the seller's place, and will replace the worn parts at the expense of itself, so as to ensure the restart of production. the seller is obliged to assemble, rust and pack the moulds and send it to the place designated by the buyer. all mold assembly drawings and part drawings (including 2d and 3d) and all clamping devices must be transferred to the buyer at the same time.

3., during the process of mold transfer, such as the improper assembly, rust prevention or packaging of the seller, it will cause damage to the mold, and all direct and indirect losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the seller.

1., the seller guarantees the service life of the mould 500 thousand times, and the seller is responsible for free maintenance during this period. if the mold is not used during the service life, the seller shall be responsible for changing or re opening the mold and taking the corresponding cost.

2. the seller should die changes, maintenance and repairs in a timely manner and register, whether such a modification, maintenance and repair are

the buyer made it. if the buyer is to ask the relevant technical details or evidence, the buyer may register with the time without notice. the seller shall give the buyer a copy of the record once every three months. the seller should take the initiative to complete this task on a regular basis without the buyer's request.

the product and the buyer 1. involved in this contract to provide design drawings and other information in the intellectual property is owned by the buyer, the buyer without permission, the seller shall not disclose to any company or individual, otherwise all the losses resulting from the seller; the buyer only agreed to all data and information provided by the seller by the buyer the purpose of this contract based on the,

2. the seller agrees to the design drawings will not be provided by the buyer and other data or information for the purpose of non contract other than the seller or the buyer has the right to pursue responsibility; without written permission from the buyer, the seller shall not in publications, advertising or other written and oral form to the seller to provide or have provided any data and information.

3., without the buyer's license, it is strictly prohibited for the seller to use this mould to supply other customers other than the buyer or the buyer's designated customer, otherwise all direct and indirect losses arising from it shall be the seller's responsibility.

4. other undisclosed matters of confidentiality are carried out in accordance with the "confidentiality agreement" signed by the buyer and the seller.

1. the seller shall be liable for breach of contract if the seller fails to complete the mold making and sample delivery according to the progress of each stage specified in the 2.1. the seller shall pay the buyer a fine of 2% of the total amount of this contract at a time of one day of delay. the amount of the penalty is not more than the total amount of the contract.

2., if the seller's cause causes the seller's quality to be supplied to the buyer can't meet the buyer's requirements, and the other materials will be lost and scrapped during the assembly process, the seller will fully compensate for the loss and scrap materials and the resulting artificial / stop line costs. the two parties may sign separately the raw material for production.

3. the quality and progress of the product provided to the buyer by the seller for the seller's cause can not reach the buyer.

3. when the mold is certified by the buyer, the seller is responsible for the seal of the mold. if the buyer agrees that the seller is responsible for the subsequent processing and production of the products, the seller shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of the moulds, and the seller shall make the batch production according to the order of the third party authorized by the buyer or the buyer.

4. for all the molds produced by the buyer, the seller shall provide the buyer with detailed design drawings. all drawings must be made in autocad or pro-eng (pro-el2) and must be transmitted to the buyer in electronic form before the mold opening for approval.

1. repair and maintenance of the mold: the seller is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the mold during the production process.

2., after no dispute between the two sides, the buyer will provide the product design drawings and related technical information to the seller, and send the engineer to the seller's technical exchange or the seller send the engineer to the buyer for technical communication. the product drawings and technical requirements list is attached to annex 1.

3. the seller promised to use the quality requirements of the mold for the system to produce products to the buyer

4. the seller promised to use the mold for the system to produce the product can reach the seller's delivery capacity:

5. the seller promises that all the moulds involved in this contract can be reached to 400 thousand times.

6., without the buyer's permission, it is strictly prohibited for the seller to contract the whole part of the contract involved in the contract to other companies for processing. otherwise, the seller shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the breach clause of the contract as a breach of contract.

1.1 after negotiation between the two parties, the seller will provide the final offer of the mould approved by the buyer and sign the price confirmation as an indispensable part of the contract.

the total amount of 1.2 contract (including vat mold ____%) rmb_______.

1.3 the total cost of the price of the mold contains the following expenses, and the seller shall not ask the buyer for the following reasons:

1.3.1 the cost of all the fixtures and tools required by the seller for the molding / two processing / assembly of the product;

1.3.2 the seller, according to the contract, carries out the cost of material, equipment and manpower for mould design, test mould.

1.3.3 the cost of the sample (800 sets) provided by the seller to the buyer for the certification of the mold and product;

1.3.4 the seller is the cost of the die vulnerable spare parts to ensure the normal production of the mold;

1.3.5 the cost of the related tools and tools for other processes that are prepared for the normal production of the product.

1.4 when the written request of the buyer the seller according to the change of the product design for the mould modification, if the mould modification is relatively simple, including less mold material changes and other simple changes from the mold, the seller to the buyer without charges; if the modification is complex, great influence on the whole structure of the mold, then the seller according to the modified working hours for mold to the buyer by the buyer offer, the corresponding mold modification cost. the buyer shall not bear any responsibility for the repair or modification of the mold due to the seller's reason, due to the failure of the mold to meet the buyer's requirements.

1.5 by the seller to the buyer's manual and cost technical support from the normal cost, the seller shall give the buyer recognized the way the corresponding compensation.

2.1 after the seller has received the product drawing file after the buyer's confirmation, that is,

the cost of artificial / stop line formation. the two parties may sign separately the raw material for production.

3. if the seller has caused the seller to the buyer of the product quality and schedule is not up to the requirements of the buyer, the buyer and customer missed the best time to market, or the buyer was forced to cancel the project, so that the buyer and its customers suffer serious losses and loss of material research, in addition to the seller to refund all previous the buyer to pay the purchase price, depending on the actual situation of the seller also bear the buyer direct and indirect economic losses.

4., if the seller is unable to resist force, including the war, fire, strike, and other force majeure caused by chinese law, the buyer will allow the buyer to dismiss it. the seller shall notify the buyer in written form within 24 hours after the occurrence of the force majeure, and the seller is obliged to take all necessary measures to deliver the goods as soon as possible. if the force majeure continues for more than 2 weeks, the buyer has the right to cancel this contract.

5. other unfinished matters: implemented in accordance with the economic contract law.

any dispute arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation first. if no negotiation can be reached within 30 days, either party can submit the dispute to the municipal court.

the parties to this contract shall be strictly enforced. if one party fails to perform the contract in the cause of the contract, the party must ask for the consent of the other party two weeks in advance, and the contract shall be terminated.



台州时达水暖制造有限公司(简称甲方)因生产发展需要,委托 (简称乙方)制造塑料模具 副,经双方友好协商达成如下协议:

4、 按国家相关的模具技术要求设计加工模具,注塑件无飞边、毛刺。收缩等缺陷;

7、 其它要求按照甲方图纸所列的技术要求达到标准。

1、 模具质保期内,乙方负责模具的修理,原则上修模地点在甲方,如遇甲方加工设备等原因无法在甲方


2、 由于甲方使用不当或甲方需要改动引旨起的模具修改,乙方酌情收取成本费,不计劳务费。

1、合同正式签订之后首付定金(预付款)为总额的 %,即 元整; 2、模具交货验收合格后再付总额的 %,即 元整; 3、余款在模具交货验收合格后 天内付清。

1、 如乙方准时按质量完成模具加工,甲方应按时支付给乙方相应的模具款,如未按时支付(非人为因素

除外)模具款,甲方应支付迟纳金或延期模具总价的 %。

2、 乙方应按时按质地完成模具的加工及相关的修理,如乙方不能按时交模,则每延迟交模时间(含试模



1、 模具的表面不允许有影响模具使用及维修的划伤或碰凹处;凡质量超过25kg的 板必须做吊装孔;模具要求结构合理,产品脱模顺利;

2、 对于新委托加工模具的分供方,本公司规定第一次只能付预付款为模具总价的40%,后期付款方式待乙方第一批(副)模具加工出来之后视其模具加工的质量而定。对定向委托加工方按本协议第六条之规定付款;

3、 乙方必须按照严格甲方要求选用正确的模具材料,如果甲方发现乙方未经甲方同意擅自改动模具用料或者在模具材料选用方面以假乱真,甲方有权向乙方索取相应赔偿为该模具总价的1倍。乙方加工的模具的型芯及型腔、滑块等重要构件在试样合格以后均需氮化处理,同时乙方有必要在交付模具的时候附上重要构件的材料牌号证明及相关热处理说明;,

4、 甲方有权定期或不定期核实乙方的模具加工进度,当甲方在核实到实际情况认为乙方没有能力或未能按时按质完成本合同时甲方有权单方面终止合同,同时收回已付款项,并拥有向乙方索取相应赔偿的权利;乙方在正式加工模具前必须向甲方开列模具结构图,并做必要的说明,以便甲方进行可行性分析。

5、 乙方加工模具需严格按照gb4170—84?注塑模零件技术条件及附录?内容加工,模具验收时甲方要求

乙方提供加工该模具所用的电极(易损处日后维修用); 乙方在正式交付模具之前须由甲方派工程师到乙方工厂现场试模(每模试样20模次以上),待试模件正式验证合格并经本公司相应工程技术人员签字确认后方可拉回本公司试模,经本公司(产品设计工程师、模具设计工程师、质量检测部)相关人员签字确认并经入库之后方可再付相应的二期模具款;

6、 在加工过程中,如乙方为达到甲方的要求需要改动产品结构时,必须提交相关的书面说明报知甲方,待甲方相关人员审核通过之后才能着手加工;

7、 一般情况下模具要求采用标准模架制作,模具加工完工后乙方须在模具的侧面(非工作表面或模脚)刻上该模具名称,文字线宽为3mm,深度为0。5mm左右;

8、 对于复杂模具的安装,乙方为甲方指导安装或提供相关说明;一般情况下模具的简单维修可由本公司模具车间员工进行,如遇不能解决或无法解决之维修情况,乙方有义务在接到甲方的维修要求电话或其他信息24小时以内到位着手维修,否则甲方将拒付相应模具款,同时乙方不能享受本公司定向委托方的相关条例所定之优惠条件。

9、 乙方必须对甲方提供的产品结构图及其它有关图纸保密,如发现因乙方泄露而导致甲方损失的,甲方有权照实际损失对乙方进行索赔;




























































3、模具的技术标准(包括质量要求),按下列第( )项执行:


(4)没有上述标准的,或虽有上述标准,但需方有特殊要求的,按甲乙双方在合同中商定的技术条件、样品或补充的技术要求(如>)执行。  第二条 模具的包装标准:




第五条 甲方向乙方提供模具图纸及该图纸的电子文档(如附件)。

第六条 模具的工艺要求:模具图纸、模具外协加工单如附件。










 第十一条 如甲方因生产需要,要求增加该模具数量,其价格另议。

第十二条 解决合同纠纷的方式:甲乙双方如果发生争议,应当友好协商解决。如协商不成,任何一方均有权将争议提交北京仲裁委员会。按照提交仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对甲乙双方均有约束力。

第十三条 双方本着诚原则签定本合同,若有未尽事宜,须双方另行协商解决,作出补充规定,补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。

购货单位(甲方):(公章) 供货单位(乙方)(公章)





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